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Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Magic Number Three

Hello everyone! Sorry we haven't been writing much, but it's been a busy time at S4HQ. A lot has changed here, and we, quite frankly, haven't known what to say about it. Even now, we're going to be delightfully vague. Ooooh, the mystery.

Right to it: we're now a three piece band, just Jason, Cory, and Troy - guitar, upright bass, and drums. John had to leave the band for personal issues. Diana is still out of the country and will be finishing up her schooling when she returns. Wes has a family and another band. They all have our full support and love.

Over the last month, we've played a few shows as a three piece, and we're confident that the three of us have made the best decision we can.

This is gonna be awesome. Oh yeah - new recordings? That's gonna happen.

Stay tuned.