"Helllllllo She Swings Fans and Friends!!
I am writing you from a little cafe Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil (google it, its gorgeous!!). The weather lately has been a little rainy, but still NOTHING compared to you poor folks there!
The first couple weeks here have been crazy, exciting, and scary all at the same time! I think one of my biggest accomplishments this week was finally figuring out the bus system...ugh I'm such a small town Iowa girl!
I MISS MY KEYBOARD!!!!!!!! Two weeks without playing music...I feel like an addict without my drug :( but I spend a lot of time listening to music to make up for it. I am SO excited for our upcoming album can't wait can't wait can't WAIT!!! You all are going to like it very much indeed :)
Anyway, if anyone wants to come visit...I only live two blocks from the beach :) if anyone is EXTREMELY interested in my travels, feel free to check out my blog at www.dianagarles.blogspot.com :) its a nice and friendly way to keep people posted eh? Otherwise, I'll keep sending little notes here and there...
Much love!