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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

She Swings, She Sways Goes International... well... sort of.

Just recently, Diana left us to study in Brazil. Why she would want to leave all this for sun and sandy beaches, we have no idea. Here she is:

"Helllllllo She Swings Fans and Friends!!

I am writing you from a little cafe Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brasil (google it, its gorgeous!!). The weather lately has been a little rainy, but still NOTHING compared to you poor folks there!

The first couple weeks here have been crazy, exciting, and scary all at the same time! I think one of my biggest accomplishments this week was finally figuring out the bus system...ugh I'm such a small town Iowa girl!

I MISS MY KEYBOARD!!!!!!!! Two weeks without playing music...I feel like an addict without my drug :( but I spend a lot of time listening to music to make up for it. I am SO excited for our upcoming album can't wait can't wait can't WAIT!!! You all are going to like it very much indeed :)

Anyway, if anyone wants to come visit...I only live two blocks from the beach :) if anyone is EXTREMELY interested in my travels, feel free to check out my blog at :) its a nice and friendly way to keep people posted eh? Otherwise, I'll keep sending little notes here and there...

Much love!